By: Storrs Downey & Jessica Jackler
Under both Illinois and federal law, employers are required to post notices regarding employees’ rights related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The DOL has issued posters regarding employee rights under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). The poster advises employees of their rights to any paid leave and must be posted in a conspicuous area of the workplace like other required notices. Because many workers are currently performing their duties remotely, employers may satisfy the postin requirements by emailing or direct mailing this notice to employees, or posting this notice on an employee informational internal or external website. The FFCRA became effective on April 1, so employers should immediately comply with the posting requirement if they have not already done so.
In addition to the posting obligation under the FFCRA, the State of Illinois has also issued a poster that should be displayed and/or distributed to employees explaining employees’ rights and employer obligations pursuant to Executive Order 2020-32 (Stay-at-Home Order). The State’s poster details workplace health and safety guidance that employers must implement to the extent possible such as social distancing, providing face coverings and other hygiene practices.
June 11, 2020 Posted by DL Firm Articles
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