Income member Michael Milstein was recently featured in a Risk & Insurance article titled, “5 Workers’ Comp Litigation Considerations Employers Should Review Before a Claim Heads to Court.”
The article highlights the panel Michael moderated for CLM’s 2020 Workers’ Compensation and Retail, Restaurant & Hospitality Conference on June 17. “5 x 4 — Five Compelling Workers’ Compensation Topics from Four Different Perspectives featured Judge Deborah Baker of the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission, Kevin Adams of General Mills and Jill Wagner of Disparti Law Group.
The article breaks down key takeaways from each panelist’s perspective as an arbitrator, claims manager, petitioner’s attorney and defense attorney on five current workers’ compensation topics: surveillance, settlement strategies, navigating the court system, psychological claims and COVID-19 related claims.
“For all practical purposes, you can settle cases and get cases moved…there’s that benefit of knowing the case will settle for maybe slightly less than what you would get at trial,” Judge Baker said. “At trial it’s not necessarily guaranteed what the value will be.”
July 22, 2020 Posted by DL Firm Firm News
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