Capital member Geoff Bryce was recently quoted in “Forging a Contract for a COVID-Exit World” for Construction Executive magazine. The article notes that due to the pandemic and continued rising costs of materials, contractors are increasingly turning to construction law firms to navigate contract language and delayed projects.
The nation’s best construction law attorneys were asked how the legal landscape is changing and how to sharpen contract language and pivot in response to challenges in the wake of COVID-19.
Geoff discussed navigating and avoiding delay claims, encouraging implementing specific terms at the outset.
“The terms and conditions are the starting points of the contract,” Geoff said. “We try to work those issues into the contract in a way that is fair for all participants. This is not always an easy task, as different constituents in the construction process have different points of view and bargaining power.”
June 23, 2021 Posted by DL Firm Articles
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